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Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Lyrics Training. Language Learning tool and fun for everyone!

What's that?''Lyrics Training'' is a site using music videos and requires to type the lyrics. There is a range of levels starting from the Karaoke mode in which you actually have all the lyrics subtitled to the video. Then you can choose among three levels. The beginners and Intermediate level integrates gap filling activity and the 'experts' level requires typing the full text. The list of songs is still growing so the chances to find your favourite songs in there daily increase.

Why Lyrics?Teaching a foreign language with the aid of lyrics is not something new. I still remember my English teacher playing a tape of "Imagine" pausing regularly and making us write down the lyrics. Writing down the lyrics help learners improve their listening, speaking as well as writing skills. Lyrics Training is ideal as a
dictogloss activity and will certainly help your students improve their pronunciation.

In classroom or out of it?In both cases works fantastic! In classroom of course there might be some limitations. If you're gonna do it using the whiteboard then learners will write down everything in their notebooks. If there is a possibility of one computer-one learner then it's easier. A headset is also required if used in classroom. In my opinion, it is better to introduce it in classroom and then let your learners use it at home. Believe me, the more you use it the more hooked on you get. I have sent the link to some friends and they all enjoyed themselves only in their leisure time but also in their office hours. My friends are not learners of English or any language and yet they still enjoy it. This is an example on how your learners' autonomy can be boosted.

My Top 5 on Lyrics Training
  1. Stand by me -Ben E. King
  2. We will rock you - Queen
  3. New York, New York - Frank Sinatra
and something more updated:
4. Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
and to refresh my French:
5. Le Vent Nous Portera - Noir Desir.
Have fun!!

1 comment:

  1. I tried Stand by Me and it's fun! And this can be a good activity for young learners too if the focus is on sight words that are repeated over and over again in the song. (e.g. by, me, the, that, one...etc) Eh.. George, Justin Bieber is the IN thing nowadays for the kids haha!
