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Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Telescopic text...Chinese boxes with words...

What's this?

This is an application  that helps users to create texts that they can gradually expand by clicking on words. It works like Chinese boxes(or nested boxes) each word functions as a box and you can hide more words or phrases in it and so on...

How to use it ?
If you want to create your own telescopic text you can check this video tutorial here. I tried it and it is simple. The site also offers a rather detailed tutorial. I tried it myself last night expanding the sentence "I realised something" to the over dramatic
"Suddenly, this cold and rainy morning I surprisingly realised that Sophie, the only woman I ever loved had left me forever because she felt emotionally insecure...". I wish your sentences are better than my tacky example.

In the language classroom?
Building sentences as a pre-writing activity is sometimes a boring activity for the learner to follow. Using this application in classroom or encouraging learners to use it at home is an excellent opportunity to understand what is creative writing is all about. Expanding thoughts by expanding sentences. Start with the verb the subject and the object and add adverbial phrases such as temporals or circumstances of manner. In telescopic text there is no formal way. It is not necessary to be an expert in syntax to create a short story. The only prerequisite is  some imagination. I think your learner would love it because it works just like the nested boxes it is like a game, it is surprising, fun and motivating. High levels of motivation increase their attention which is extremely important when you teach writing skills.

Some technical limitations but not very important:
  • Doesn't work with Internet Explorer but works perfect with FireFox, Safari and Chrome.
  • You have to register in order to create your own telescopic texts (it takes about 1 minute if you type as slow as I do).
  • You need to prepare an appropriate for your target level text.
  • It should be used as a component activity in teaching writing skills.
  • Present your text and then make your learners work in pairs and create their short story- provide them with additional vocabulary and useful phrases if  necessary.
Enjoy "opening your boxes"

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